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Search Referral Keywords

What keywords are you being found for?

What Keywords Am I Being Found For?

In the old days we could see which keywords people were using to find us through HTTP Referer data. However, in 2011 Google started encrypting search queries, and referrer data stopped being passed onto website owners.

The good news is that now you get this data and a whole lot more through the Google Search Console (formerly known as Google Webmasters).  This data source allows you to analyse and better understand user needs and search keyword attribution.

Nuhdge offers connectivity to Google Search Console to provide a unified Search Analytics dashboard.

Why is knowing what keywords people are using to find you important?

There are 3 main reasons to track keyword search referral data;

  1. Whilst tracking Google rankings for actively targetted keywords is useful, what it doesn’t tell you is which keywords are ranking quite well in Google that you are not monitoring.
  2. Tracking search click-throughs tells you which keywords are actually bringing in the money. That is, you can measure performance (ROI) of specific search keywords.
  3. Knowing what you’re being found for helps you understand buyer motivation, and enable you to personalise and optimise your content and messages to your audience.

For example, in an analysis of a web hosting company’s search performance, we discovered that whilst they were trying hard to get found for ‘Email Hosting’, the brand was in fact getting lots of traffic for ‘outgoing email problems’. Knowing there was an attentive audience for this problem, we created an outgoing mail server product, and were able to setup a very successful (high conversion) landing page.

Get on top of your keyword referral data

To perform trends and comparative analysis, you’ll need historical data. Your keywords data is only captured from the moment you setup Google Search Console. Get your Google Search Console account setup ASAP if you haven’t already.

To learn more about our Search Analytics Dashboard.

Search Analytics Dashboard

Get all your critical Search Analytics in one unified view including; Search Volume Trends, Google Rankings, Referral Keywords and Demographics.

Search Analytics Dashboard

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