
Below is a general overview of how we approach tracking and optimisation of the customer journey.

Although it may seem quite a large undertaking, it need not be. Depending on where you are with your marketing programs, not every activity needs to be undertaken at once. You may choose to focus on one or two activities that will give you immediate returns, and evolve towards a more comprehensive approach as time and resources allow.

We understand every business has different needs. So feel free to call us for a chat and we can figure out what’s the best approach for you.


Define goals & objectives

  • Your most important customers
  • Products and services you are selling
  • Baseline metrics and where you want to get to (targets)


Map the buyer journey


Capture user and engagement data


Develop insights

  • Analyse data for behavioural patterns
  • Identify buyer paths and pipeline leakages (resistance points)
  • Review behavioural influencers at each touch point


Design influence strategies

  • Optimising customer touchpoints
  • Heuristical analysis and nudge design
  • Communication audit and design
  • Choice incentives and restrictions


Experiment and assess

  • Experiment system setup
  • Split testing
  • Data analysis
  • Choice incentives and restrictions

And let us show you how tracking and optimising
the buyer journey can help grow your business.

And let us show you how tracking and optimising the buyer journey can help grow your business.

Guaranteed Results

Satisfaction Guaranteed


What are your biggest marketing challenges?

  • Knowing where and how to engage your customers
  • Creating more impact with your campaigns
  • Understanding how your marketing is performing

How we help