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Campaign Monitor Data Connector

Campaign Monitor Data Analytics Connector API

Tracking your Campaign Monitor email marketing data

Setup data connectors to Campaign Monitor to automate the fetch and loading of your email marketing metrics to your Campaign Dashboard.

Metrics we can capture in Campaign Monitor

  • Email distribution and deliverability such as time of day and bounce rate
  • Email effectiveness such as open rates and engagement rates
  • Your subscribers base and growth rate

Read more: Email marketing metrics every marketer should be tracking

Stay on top of your Email Marketing data

How Nuhdge helps you stay on top of your Campaign Monitor data;

If you would like to know more about setting up
Campaign Monitor reporting automation.

If you would like to know more about setting up Campaign Monitor reporting automation.

Campaign Dashboard

We track the effectiveness of your messages across all your campaign channels including Email, Social, Search and Display.

Campaign Dashboard

Marketing Analytics

Analyse customer engagement to gain better insights to your marketing and sales funnel, where there’s buyer resistance, and where to prioritise your marketing efforts.

Marketing Analytics Services