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Facebook Analytics

Facebook Analytics Data Connector

Tracking your customer journey across web and social

Facebook Analytics is positioning itself as a competitor to Google Analytics (GA). The tool operates separately to Facebook’s social media pages and doesn’t require users to log into Facebook or its services to access it.

Facebook Analytics is not to be confused with Facebook Insights, which provides analytics about how your users are engaging with your brand on Facebook.

What Facebook aims to do differently is track users beyond your website by integrating tracking with your Facebook Page and Apps.  This allows you to track your customer’s journey across multiple digital touchpoints.


Stay on top of your marketing metrics

How we help you stay on top of your Facebook Analytics data;

If you would like to know more about setting up
marketing dashboards and report automation.

If you would like to know more about setting up marketing dashboards and report automation.

Web Engagement Dashboard

View how users interact with your website, the path visitors take, how they engage with your content, and what actions are taken.

Web Engagement Dashboard

Analytics Data Sources

We can setup connectors to a number of different data sources that will help your business capture marketing and sales funnel data and analyse buyer behaviour.

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