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Google Analytics Setup & Optimisation

Google Analytics (GA) is a statistics software suite that helps with the tracking and reporting of your online audience.

Google Analytics Setup and Optimisation Services

Challenges with Google Analytics

Although Google Analytics is well known amongst marketers, and advertised as easy to setup, a lot of businesses still don’t get it right. Online traffic is a critical part of your customer journey so make sure your Analytics is configured to capture this data, and that the data can be extracted and used correctly.

Bad Data Leads To Bad Decisions

  • Incorrectly setup analytics can mean you’re not tracking all online traffic and engagement metrics. For example, you might not be tagging all your pages, or specific elements within your pages,
  • GA reports are becoming increasingly complex to use and understand. Mis-reading data can lead to incorrect conclusions about online behaviour

Hire Google Analytics Certified Professionals

We sort out your analytics tools to deliver reliable information that’s relevant to your business. We’ve implemented everything from straightforward setups, to cracking the hard problems in tracking, integration and analysis.

What we can assist with;

  • Analytics health check (audit)
  • Configuration of account structures, and views
  • Tagging and tag management
  • Ecommerce, campaign tracking and attribution
  • Custom tracking – events, User ID, dimensions
  • Google Analytics Integrations – CRM, Split Tests, ecommerce
  • Automated reporting – save time and errors with your periodic management reports
For an obligation free consultation about your Google Analytics needs.


Google Analytics Certified

Web Engagement Dashboard

View how users interact with your website, the path visitors take, how they engage with your content, and what actions are taken.

Web Engagement Dashboard

Analytics Data Sources

We can setup connectors to a number of different data sources that will help your business capture marketing and sales funnel data and analyse buyer behaviour.

View More Data Sources